#EQUINOZIOPRIMAVERA (SPRINGEQUINOX) 2021 is a symbol in power to be shaped through its relationship with the world. In constant ferment, it is ready to become fervour, ardour for the realisation of its own fulfilment. A throb that has escaped from the union of opposites, it offers the pitch with which to tune in order to begin composing a symphony capable of playing and resonating in harmonic contexts.

#EQUINOZIOPRIMAVERA 2021 project: in 2021, spring officially began on 20 March. A few days before, I launched an appeal on the web asking anyone who wanted to to send me a voice message containing the story of their day. I received 50 testimonials, which gave rise to the work #EQUINOZIOPRIMAVERA 2021, acrylic on canvas, size 230xh.150 cm.

The painting belongs to the series dedicated to #quotidianità (everyday life), and is the first to focus on the #rivoluzioneterrestre (terrestrialrevolution). During 2021, there will be further call-outs to also coincide with the two equinoxes and summer solstice.

#quotidianità everyday life concept: Everyday life concept: everyday life, the daily lived is the place where one resides, where the uniqueness of each individual can be made manifest and built across encounters and relationships. Both with oneself, with others and the world, all immersed in the density of time seemingly immobile in its continuous changing. By asking people to tell me about their day, I try to imprint this common ritual on canvas: a collective everyday life in which it is possible to glimpse the face of humanity's biography.

#rivoluzioneterrestre (terrestrialrevolution) concept: the earth´s revolution represents our planet’s motion around the sun. Yet, a revolution is also a radical movement potentially able to lead the development of events towards a better future. In a society steeped in performances and displays that seek constant attention, I believe a return to authentic biographical stories can represent a new #rivoluzioneterrestre. Being present in yourself enables being present in any relationship, including the one with your own conscience; the inner sun around which we gravitate every day, in order to make responsible, thoughtful and willing choices. In practice, we are the #rivoluzioneterrestre across time, and our shared and intertwined biographical accounts a powerful reflection of such.

Listen to the testimonies received at www.giada.ch/equinozioprimavera2021 (Italian language)

The everyday ambassadors of #EQUINOZIOPRIMAVERA 2021 are (in order of listening):

Eliana, Alessandro, Silvia, Giovy, Luigi, Anna, Clarissa, Massimo, Deborah, Francesca, Edy, Paola, Cinzia, Riccardo, Sarah, Rosa, Luca, Barbara, Cristina, Riccardo, Anna, Paola, Paolo, Angela, Carlo, Laura, Beniamino, Gabriella, Davide, Monica, Ben, Antonella, Diego, Sonia, Giovanni, Cristina, Salvatore, Stefania, Denis, Fabiola, Manuel, Giovanna, Laura, Giò, Patrizia, Roberto, Karin, Mattia, Samantha e Bruno, to whom my sincere thanks go ❤️.